Friday, June 5, 2015

Closing Out Another School Year

As the end of the school year is fast approaching and summer is right around the corner, we wanted to take this time to slow down a little bit and reflect back on a year of triumphs and tribulations, successes and failures, mistakes and lessons learned. 

We found a couple great articles to help you as parents cope with the last few weeks of school and make sure our kids finish on a positive note, and enter their summer vacation proud of their accomplishments and ready for the year ahead.

How to Help Children End the School Year Positively

End The School Year With A Bang

We also found a nice article to help you as teachers prepare your class for the year ahead, but also to celebrate the year you had together. 

Joyful Endings: The Last Few Weeks Of School

End of Year Calendar:

June 12th: 8th Grade Move Up Day
June 13th: 8th Grade Dinner Dance
June 17th: Last academic day for 8th graders!
June 18th: 8th Grade Field Trip
June 19th: 8th Grade Activities Day
June 22nd: Challenge Day
June 23rd: Filing Out Ceremony and Last day of school!

We have thoroughly enjoyed creating our very first Counselors' Corner blogs and hope to continue next year with more information and stories to help both teachers and parents alike.

Have a wonderful summer and we'll see you next year!

- Elizabeth Hortie, Adjustment Counselor
- Jessica Merritt, Guidance Counselor