Monday, October 3, 2016

Happy Autumn!!

The Friends of the Hamilton Wenham Library in partnership with the school district wide Friends associations are pleased to present Dr. Robert Brooks this Thursday October 6th at 7pm in the Hamilton Wenham High School auditorium. Dr. Brooks will be discussing his work on resilience and how to build this skill in our children and ourselves. Please join us for this informative presentation.  

Here is a link to an article written by Dr. Brooks regarding his work on this topic.

Calendar of Events

October 4th- STEM night 6:30-8:30 in the high school
October 6th- Dr. Brooks' presentation
October 10th- Columbus Day - No School
October 25th- Picture Retakes
October 31st - Halloween

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Welcome Back!

Happy Back to School!!

Welcome to a new year! As we settle into our routine and get back into the academic groove, let's remember that this can be a stressful time of transition. With sports, arts and other extra-curricular activities, our students may face feelings of anxiety and a sensation of being overwhelmed. The mental health of our students is a main concern that should not be ignored. We strive to address the needs of the whole student in our educational setting and their mental health is just as important as their academic needs.The following article addresses this issue.

Please help us welcome our substitute Guidance Counselor, Alexis Dwyer. She will be filling for Jessica Merritt while she is away on maternity leave. Her expected return will be in winter 2017.

"Raising Reslient Children and Adolescents In a Stress-filled World."

The Hamilton Wenham Regional School District is pleased to announce that Dr. Robert Brooks will be speaking on Thursday October 6 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm in the High School Auditorium. "Dr. Brooks is one of today's leading speakers and authors on the themes of resilience, motivation, school climate, a positive work environment and family relationships."  Dr. Brooks

Calendar of Events

September 7th - 6th Grade Ice Cream Social 5:30-7:00pm hosted by Friends of MRMS

September 14- Curriculum Night at MRMS 6:30-8:00

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Happy Summer!

Now that the school year is coming to an end, we hope you take the time to enjoy your summer as a family.  New England has many things to offer and we've included a list of fun family activities in the Boston area.  We hope you and your family have a relaxing and rejuvenating summer.

Calendar of Events:
June 10th: 8th Grade Move Up Day - in school
June 15th - 17th: 8th grade D.C. field trip
June 18th: 8th Grade Dinner Dance
June 23rd: Challenge Day
June 24th: Filing Out Ceremony and last day of school

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

School-Home Connection

The world seems to be moving so fast and our children are growing up so quickly. Information is readily available and they have access to things we would have never imagined possible. Is too much of something a bad thing? As the adults in our children's lives, we take on the role as shaper of information. It is often difficult to know when to allow them to advocate for themselves and when we should intervene. The following articles focus on both of these aspects in an effort to help us think from different perspectives about how we might handle these situations.

Calendar of Events:
May 3rd, 4th, 5th - PARCC ELA
May 10th, 11th, 12th - PARCC Math
May 17th and 18th - 8th grade MCAS - Science and Technology
May 30th - NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
May 31st - 5th Grade Family Orientation Night

Friday, April 1, 2016

Most Likely to Succeed

Earlier this week, the entire Hamilton-Wenham faculty participated in a Professional Development Day.  To kick off the day, we viewed a documentary called "Most Likely to Succeed".  This documentary was also available for parents and the community later that night.  The documentary focused on taking a different look at education and what is truly important for our students to learn in order to be independent, responsible, successful global citizens.  The demands we are making on them are changing to fit the needs of the workforce and the way they go about acquiring these skills must also change.  It is becoming increasingly important for students to not only meet academic goals, but also acquire what the documentary called "soft skills", which includes perseverance, collaboration, and resiliency.

The following article focuses on these "soft skills" - how our students can acquire them and how parents can help in the process.

Top 10 Skills Middle School Students Need to Thrive and How Parents Can Help

Calendar of Events
Wednesday 4/6/16: 6th Grade Field Trip
Friday 4/15/16: 3rd Quarter ends
Monday 4/18/16 - Friday 4/22/16: Vacation - No school

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Change Your Words - Change Your Mindset


In our most recent Olweus class meetings, we have been focusing on fixed vs. growth mindset. This has allowed the students to view the same situation through different perspectives, which opens the door for more positive and creative problem solving. We are hoping that discussions and lessons around growth mindset can easily correlate to more conversations that foster resiliency. Protective factors are the leading cause for successful resilient students. By practicing our growth mindset philosophy, we hope to have school become a place seen as a protective factor.

Here is a video focusing on the differences between growth and fixed mindset:

This article focuses on mindsets and how they shape our worldview:

Calendar of Events:

March 15th - Field trip to Peabody Essex Museum for 6th Grade

March 16th - Field trip to Peabody Essex Museum for 6th Grade

March 17th - St. Patrick’s Day

March 25th - Good Friday - No School

March 27th- Happy Easter!

March 28th - No School for students- Professional Development

Monday, February 1, 2016

The Ever-Changing Struggle of Parenting

With today's ever-changing social landscape, the majority of young peoples' interactions occur mostly through social media sites, and it is often difficult for parents to monitor, control, and navigate their child's interactions.  The feedback given through social media often guides our children towards relationships and responsibilities that they might not be ready for.  In an effort to help them blend in with the social lexicon, parents have, in some cases, allowed more freedom to younger children than would have been acceptable in the past.  Dr. Leonard Sax is a well-known pediatrician who addresses the effects of social media as well as the loosening of parental controls and the expectations we place on our children - or don't - in the following article.

To Rebuild the Collapse of Parenting Its Going to Be A Challenge

Calendar of Events:

  • February 5th: Quarter 2 reports go home with students
  • February 8th: 8th Grade Parent Night at 7pm in the Multi Purpose Room - all parents of current 8th graders are welcome
  • February 15th - 19th: Vacation
  • February 26th: High school class registration opens for 8th graders

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy 2016!

As we transition into 2016, many people often make resolutions surrounding various personal goals such as weight loss, organization, etc.  One area that we never seem to focus on is the mind.  Why not clean out the mental clutter that we have collected over the past year?  A healthy mind and emotions often connect to a healthy body and outlook.  

Here are some articles we have chosen that focus on mental health resolutions, which is an area that is frequently forgotten.

Mental Health Resolutions for 2016

Declutter Your Mind

Calendar of Events:

January 14th, 15th, and 16th: SHREK! the Musical at the Ferrini Auditorium
January 18th: NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Day
January 29th: Quarter 2 ends