Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Spring Cleaning


As we begin the month of April, testing season is in full swing.  Students will be asked to have heightened focus not only during MCAS testing, but also for the rest of the school year.   With warmer weather approaching and longer daylight hours, it may be more difficult for them to complete out of school tasks.  It is this time of year when our 8th graders have one foot out the door to high school and when everyone is ready for a change, but we still have 10 weeks of school left, and we must teach our kids/students to continue learning and working hard.  In an effort to help declutter our lives, this short video offers suggestions on ways to clear your mind of negative thoughts in an effort to continue moving forward.

Spring Cleaning for the Mind

Calendar of Events:

April 1st: MCAS ELA Reading Comprehension Session 2 (all grades)
April 2nd: MCAS ELA Long Composition (7th grade only)
April 3rd: Good Friday - NO SCHOOL
April 5th: HAPPY EASTER!
April 10th: End of Quarter 3
April 13th: Beginning of Quarter 4 (WOW!  Where did this year go?)
April 20 - 24: April Vacation Week