Monday, December 1, 2014

Holiday Stress (2014)

December 2014

As the holidays approach, our lives become more hectic and filled with activities.  This can take a toll on our health - both physically and mentally.  There are frequently many expectations of what holiday time should be like, which also places undue stress on the entire family.  Stress can then manifest into changes in mood and behavior.  Here is a thoughtful article tackling this subject and possible solutions to this common occurrence. 


December 16, 2014 – December 24, 2014: Happy Hanukkah!

December 23, 2014: Winter Holiday Recess – School closes at regular time

December 25, 2014: Merry Christmas!

January 5, 2015: School is back in session!

Monday, November 3, 2014

November 2014

This month we are going to focus on Executive Function Skills.  With Quarter 1 complete, some students may still be struggling with organization, time management, planning, homework completion, and new schedules.  Please take a moment to review the website w have listed below as well as the definition of Executive Function Skills.  There are many helpful tips and resources available on this website.  

Executive function skills are the core set of cognitive skills required for planning, completing and evaluating the completion of tasks, as well as overseeing our communication exchanges.  These cognitive skills are typically divided into lower level and higher-level skills.  The lower level cognitive skills refer to functions that control behavior, such as attention, motivation and emotion regulation.  The higher-level cognitive skills refer to metacognitive functions that guide behavior, such as planning, organizing, monitoring, reasoning, problem solving and flexibility.  There are episodic memories of our experiences that we form into schemas and routines.  We retrieve and flexibly apply these schemas for new communication and learning situations while we also monitor our goals, time and use of strategies.  We gradually develop these cognitive skill sets from young childhood through young adulthood.  

Here is an article we found that provides strategies to help students who may be struggling with executive function skills. Executive Functioning Strategies

Some Helpful Information:
  • Remember to check Aspen regularly for grades, any missing assignments, and other important information provided by the teachers
  • Acord Food Pantry Turkey Drive: November 5th to 17th - students will hear announcements about this program in their Homeroom classes.

Calendar of Upcoming Events:
  • Tuesday, November 4th: No School for Students (Teacher Workshop Day)
  • Friday, November 7th: Quarter 1 report cards sent home with students
  • Tuesday, November 11th: No School (Veteran’s Day)
  • Wednesday, November 26th: Early Release Day at 12:05
  • Thursday, November 27th: Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Friday, November 28th: No School (Thanksgiving Break)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October 2014

Transition can be difficult for our students and parents alike.  Middle School is a time for students to develop their budding independence and with that comes many challenges.  Striking a balance between fostering independence and setting appropriate boundaries for our students can be tricky.  The following article from the Huffington Post provides insight regarding the different ways parents and teachers can assist students in developing their independence and what barriers may be present. 
**Special thanks to Jan Gauthier for bringing this article to our attention!

Some Helpful Information:
  • Aspen – Please make sure you check our Aspen portal regularly.  Teachers will be updating their students’ grades on the 1st and 15th of every month.  If you need your login information, please contact the main office.
  • Parents and teachers – keep in close contact with each other whenever any concerns arise!  Email is usually the best way to get in touch with your child’s teachers.
  • Check the Miles River Middle School Homepage often for the latest news and information.

Calendar of Upcoming Events:
  • Thursday, October 2nd: Essex Technical High School presentation to 8th grade students during the school day
  • Monday, October 13th:  Columbus Day – NO SCHOOL
  • Wednesday, October 22nd:  National Unity Day (Unite against Bullying)
    • Students and faculty members district wide will be encouraged to wear the color orange to show their support for Unity Day
  • Friday, October 31st: HAPPY HALLOWEEN…and the end of Quarter 1!