Tuesday, May 3, 2016

School-Home Connection

The world seems to be moving so fast and our children are growing up so quickly. Information is readily available and they have access to things we would have never imagined possible. Is too much of something a bad thing? As the adults in our children's lives, we take on the role as shaper of information. It is often difficult to know when to allow them to advocate for themselves and when we should intervene. The following articles focus on both of these aspects in an effort to help us think from different perspectives about how we might handle these situations.

Calendar of Events:
May 3rd, 4th, 5th - PARCC ELA
May 10th, 11th, 12th - PARCC Math
May 17th and 18th - 8th grade MCAS - Science and Technology
May 30th - NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
May 31st - 5th Grade Family Orientation Night