It's hard to believe that summer has already come and gone and we are now starting the 2015-2016 school year!
We wanted to use our first blog of the school year to introduce ourselves - for those of you who don't know us - and give you some great resources about surviving "back to school" time!
Counselors' Corner is a blog put together by Jessica Merritt, Guidance Counselor, and Elizabeth Hortie, Adjustment Counselor of Miles River Middle School. We are the 2 counselors at the middle school who are here for the social, emotional, academic, and behavioral well-being of your children.
Please check out our page on the Miles River Middle School Homepage for more information:
School Counselors
We write our blog once a month and it is usually posted on the Miles River Middle School homepage. We offer lots of great resources, relevant articles, calendar of events, and other information.
For the September 2015 blog, we wanted to focus our attention on back-to-school! Below are a few articles we found that may help in the transition from summer to school:
5 Ways to Help Your Middle School Student Get and Stay Organized
Doctor Offers Back to School Health Tips
Top 15 Things Your Middle School Kid Wishes You Knew
As we get back into the swing of things, we are sure there will be questions or concerns along the way. If you have any questions/concerns about your child's schoolwork, do not hesitate to email their teachers. If you have any other questions/concerns, you can always reach out to the counselors or the administration.
Remember to check back each month for the latest Counselors' Corner blog!
Calendar of Events:
September 1, 2015: 6th Grade and New Students Open House (6:30pm to 8:00pm)
September 2, 2015: 6th Grade Orientation (for 6th grade students only!)
September 11, 2015: Picture Day!
September 16, 2015: 6th Grade Families Ice Cream Social (5:30pm to 7:00pm)
September 28, 2015: Curriculum Night (6:30pm to 8:30pm)